A Passionate Novelist Who Inspires

Guiding People in Life Through Love and Humor

That Warrior Ebook Cover
That Warrior Ebook Cover1

Sharing Life Lessons Through Writing and Music

About the Book

That Warrior is a book written for the non-book reader. A story of a man who discovers his own demons while helping other people fight theirs. Through humor and light-heartedness, heavy topics such as self-discovery are discussed in a manner allowing readers to easily digest the story’s lessons while laughing and being entertained.

Other Projects

I encourage people to tap into their inner abilities and unlock your potential. Check out my video of the song I co-wrote with Rick Johnson called Warrior from which That Warrior is based. Not bad for someone (me) whose only musical experience is singing along to my musical heroes in the car and in the shower. That’s right, I don’t play any instrument, sing, or read/write any musical notation. It’s your turn to make your dreams a reality. Remember to shot for the moon and if you don’t quite make it, you’ll end up somewhere in the solar system

Other Projects

I encourage people to tap into their inner abilities and unlock your potential. Check out my video of the song I co-wrote with Rick Johnson called Warrior from which That Warrior is based. Not bad for someone (me) whose only musical experience is singing along to my musical heroes in the car and in the shower. That’s right, I don’t play any instrument, sing, or read/write any musical notation. It’s your turn to make your dreams a reality. Remember to shot for the moon and if you don’t quite make it, you’ll end up somewhere in the solar system

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